Oud 沉香

87,00€ Sale Save
尺寸 50 ml.



當你的造型錯過了法式« je ne sais quoi »,但換衣服為時已晚。


You can test your fragrance before purchasing with our discovery sets!

one hero raw material

什麼是Oud 沉香?

Oud 是沉香屬的某些樹木產生的芳香樹脂,以保護自己免受名為 Philiaphora Parasitica 的真菌的傳播。 自古以來就在印度和阿拉伯半島使用,沉香木作為薰香曾出現在聖經中,而在中國,這種“鷹木”仍被用於傳統醫學中以激活氣血循環。 現在受到過度開發的威脅,其種植、銷售和使用受到嚴格控制。 我們使用的沉香木擁有CITES證書,保證其生產和銷售不損害生物多樣性的保護,並以野生物種的可持續利用為基礎

The detail that makes the difference



Customize your fragrance!

Because they have been formulated with the same olfactory structure, they are also intended to be worn together.

Olibanum thus revives the playful art of layering, the traditional Middle Eastern practice of superimposing several perfumes to create a unique and personal trail that can be changed at will, depending on whether it is cool or warm outside, whether you are in a seductive or serenely introspective mood.

使用 Oud 的香側來支撐 Tubéreuse晚香玉 或利用其煙熏基調使 Opoponax甜沒藥適合夜晚。


Composition set

A discovery set, by and for you. Listen to your inner voice and curate your own personal and evolutive scent signature by choosing 2 to 5 12ml bottles. You can wear them alone or try your hand at layering them, so that no one can wear the same fragrance as you.

Compose your set!

Get to know Olibanum

Discovery set

在我們的 18 款香水系列中選擇最能吸引您的樣品,然後按照自己的節奏享受它們。


a question?


We can answer all your questions.

Ask us anything!

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we won't even see it!


每次購買發現套裝,您將收到一張價值 15 歐元的 50 毫升香水代金券。

Free shipping

from 87€ in Metropolitan France

Tote bag 托特袋

15,00€ Sale Save

什麼是 Olibanum 手提袋?
當然要攜帶您的 Olibanum 香水,還要參與品牌的承諾。 除了是在法國編織的 100% 有機棉袋外,每筆銷售都完全捐贈給我們承諾的協會之一。

100% 棉手提袋

Material: 100% 有機棉袋,法國編織。
Dimensions: 40 X 40 X 19 公分,兩個手柄 70 x3 公分
Weight: 300 克,厚棉布。
Color: Ecru

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