is the Latin term of this treasured thousand-year-old resin wich comes from the Boswellia sacra tree.
From India all the way to the Horn of Africa and passing through the Sultanate of Oman, olibanum resin is harvested by cutting into the tree’s bark to awaken its woodsy, aromatic balsamic, mineral, spicey and lemony tonalites.

偉大的文明,如埃及人、希臘人和羅馬人,被認為olibanum樹脂 比黃金還珍貴。
這種由三位智者提供的樹脂是首批因其氣味而被燃燒的原料之一,它散發著令人稱讚的香氣,並通過散發的煙霧與眾神交流。 拉丁語“Per fuman”,意思是“穿過煙霧”,是“香水”一詞的起源。
How to burn incense?
Place a burning coal in the bottom of a censer and place one or two grains of resin on the coal.
Even today, this resin continues to be recognized for its many virtues.… Eaten or consumed in liquid form when mixed with water, olibanum, or loubane as it is known in Arabic, can be used as an antiseptic, antiviral, astringent, antidepressant, an expectorant, a healing remedy and an immune system booter…
In a vaporizer, it is a purifier that can cleanse air in homes. Diluted in the bath, it becomes a relaxant.
Composition set
A discovery set, by and for you. Listen to your inner voice and curate your own personal and evolutive scent signature by choosing 2 to 5 12ml bottles. You can wear them alone or try your hand at layering them, so that no one can wear the same fragrance as you.

Tote bag 托特袋
什麼是 Olibanum 手提袋?
當然要攜帶您的 Olibanum 香水,還要參與品牌的承諾。 除了是在法國編織的 100% 有機棉袋外,每筆銷售都完全捐贈給我們承諾的協會之一。
100% 棉手提袋
Material: 100% 有機棉袋,法國編織。
Dimensions: 40 X 40 X 19 公分,兩個手柄 70 x3 公分
Weight: 300 克,厚棉布。
Color: Ecru